Monday, July 1, 2024

Hebrews Chapter Eleven, The Testimony Of The Elders


Hebrews 11:2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.


The elders obtained a good testimony, not by their works, but by their faith. Their faith empowered their works and made them acceptable to God, as we will see as we progress through this chapter. Note that the author is not appealing to the Jewish forebears alone. No, he reaches back prior to the Flood and speaks of Abel, Enoch, and Noah, progenitors not only of the Jewish lineage, but humanity at large.

The greatest moments of the lives of these people, recorded in the annals of God’s holy writ, were inspired by faith in the one true God. As it was said of Abraham, so can it be spoken of for each of the elders listed, they believed God, and it was accounted to them for righteousness. We read in James of such faith: “Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?” James 2:22. Remember how the word “perfect” in the New Testament often means “mature or complete.” One’s faith does not need works to be genuine; however, as James put it, it is nigh impossible to demonstrate that we possess real faith without manifesting works. Why? Works are an expression of the faith we possess. If we trust God, and believe Him on His word, our works will portray that trust to others. We do not work to earn God’s favor or appease Him; we perform works because we are loved and forgiven by God and express our love and gratitude toward others. It is as simple as, “Because He has done this for me, I will do this for the sake of others.” One’s work should not be toward one’s credit, or we already have our reward, as Jesus cautioned. Some “works,” are for fame, to be recognized and lauded for how good of a person we are. Some “works” reveal their spiritual barrenness simply by their implementation. When one flagellates himself to earn penance, his work is painfully exposed (no pun intended) as being done to curry favor or garner merit. This work is not done in faith; nor in love (at least as God expresses it), but in fear, ignorance, and self-serving.


This chapter, dubbed by many as the “Heroes of the Faith,” recalls moments in a particular saint’s life, and how their actions revealed their faith in God. Who were these things revealed for, and why? Why did the elders need this good testimony? What purpose did it serve? I am confident that the demonstration of faith throughout each generation has this descriptor, “but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name,” John 20:31. What is the point of a good testimony? When we walk in accordance with God’s will, in His Holy Spirit, we demonstrate to the world a better way to live. It is not a life of darkness, with sinful pleasure mingled with its painful consequences, eventually and eternally fatal. We demonstrate that God alone knows how man should function in this life, and when we submit to Him, we testify that it is true. The testimony, from Abel to Abraham to David and beyond, is for mankind as part of God’s witness in His creation, for the sake of bringing repentant sinners back into a reconciled relationship with the true God. Jesus’ miracles were always selfless. He never sought aggrandizement. He glorified the Father, and sought to reconcile Israel back to their Creator. It was for God’s glory—that His way is what is best for humanity after all—and to provide a witness to mankind, that there is a God, and He is personally interested in the lives of every individual on planet Earth. He wants us all to have abundant life in Jesus, but we must agree that our sinful life, founded upon our own reprobate autonomy, must be surrendered, so that He may conform us into His Son’s image.

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Joshua 24:15