Monday, July 29, 2024

Fifteen (Delayed) Years in Review

I realize that I am a little more than a month late with this post, but life has been busy of late. So without further ado, I would like to announce my blog’s fifteen-year anniversary! My first article was posted June 26th 2009, two months before my twins were born. It’s been an amazing ride thus far, but I’ll focus on recapping this last year plus briefly.

I spent my last year at my old store, leaving behind my prior store on April 1st and taking over another location, which has presented new challenges. Especially since the store was in some rough water upon my arrival and it took some time and serious effort to sort it all out. Praise the Lord for His strength and patience contending with it! Finding able members of the work force has been likewise challenging, but I doubt I’m mentioning anything noteworthy here.


My mother is suffering still from her long-term recovery due to her cancer treatment, and your prayers would be much appreciated if you can lift her up to the Lord for relief and healing. My wife’s own health has been more stable, but her stamina is certainly lacking, and her bad days leave her extremely enervated. Again, prayers for Gillian would be greatly appreciated. Likewise, close family friends have 3 wayward daughters who once knew the Lord but have since walked away. Please pray that they are convicted of their need of Him, and return into fellowship.


Our time at New Hope Bible Church has been wonderful. It is a small, Bible believing group of Christians that teach the word without religious traditions muddying the water, led by a plurality of eldership, small as it may be. Moreover, New Hope is involved (and has been involved) with New Hope for Families, a fostering shelter to care for the hurting children around the Duluth area. If you are interested in knowing more about New Hope’s fostering efforts, you may click here. Their work is most commendable in the Lord. Currently at New Hope we are teaching Romans and Hebrews.


Book 5 of The Canticles of Andurun is fully revised and I am waiting on Gillian to provide cover art; she is very busy with home schooling, house projects and just maintaining sanity in the house, so it may be a little. I am gearing up to begin revising book 6, while beginning to write book 11 in the series after my exposition of Hebrews is concluded, which will be very shortly, actually. Book 11 will be part of a duology, concluding with book 12, which will in turn end Andurun for good. It’s been a great time writing Andurun, but there are other projects I would like to address. Otherwise I have been publishing my biblical expositions, which I will likewise do with Hebrews once I have finished posting it here.


At the moment my interest in podcasting has sorely waned. Though I did express an initial interest in podcasting perhaps as early as this upcoming October, I am beginning to believe that the written word is a more useful medium for conveying my thoughts as we examine Scripture together. The spontaneity of the spoken word might partially rob me of the thoughtfulness that goes into examining a written work. That, and I am a little concerned that podcasting might arouse something egocentric in me that has nothing to do with the word or God’s glory, but in my own vanity. My debate goes on.


Thank you all for your time and investment reading my blog. I am deeply grateful for your interest, and pray the Lord that my work is true to His word for our mutual edification. God bless!

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"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness," 2nd Timothy 3:16.

My wife and I welcome comments to our Blog. We believe that everyone deserves to voice their insight or opinion on a topic. Vulgar commentary will not be posted.

Thank you and God bless!

Joshua 24:15