Science and religion cannot be reconciled, and humanity should begin to appreciate the power of its child, and to beat off all attempts at compromise. Religion has failed, and its failure [should be] exposed. Science…should be acknowledged king. Peter Atkins, Professor of Chemistry, Oxford
I woke up and realized that all my life I had been duped into taking evolutionism as revealed truth in some way. Colin Patterson, from Evolution and Creationism
If life comes only from life, does this mean that there was always life on earth? It must, yet we know that the world was once without life—that life appeared later. How? We think it was by spontaneous generation. George Wald, In Biological Science: an Inquiry into Life
We do not understand the process of dying, nor can we say anything clear, for sure, about what happens to human thought after death. Lewis Thomas, M.D., On Science and Uncertainty
The popular conception of primitive cells as the starting point for the origin of the species is really erroneous. There was nothing functionally primitive about such cells. They contained basically the same biochemical equipment as do their modern counterparts…How then, did the precursor cell arise? The only unequivocal rejoinder to this question is that we do not know. David E. Green & Robert F. Goldberger, Molecular Insights into the Living Process
The first, and main problem is the very existence of the big bang. One may wonder, What came before? If space-time did not exist then, how could everything appear from nothing? What arose first: the universe or the laws determining its evolution? Explaining this initial singularity—where and when it all began—still remains the most inscrutable problem of modern cosmology. Andre Linde, The Self-Reproducing Inflationary Universe
Paleontologists have paid an exorbitant price for Darwin’s argument. We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life’s history, yet to preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to study. Stephen Jay Gould, Evolution’s Erratic Pace
By the end of the 1960’s the big bang had become almost universally accepted, and it has penetrated the popular consciousness so deeply that at times one forgets it is still just a theory. Anthony L. Peratt, Not with a Bang
What is the big deal—the biggest of all—is how you get something out of nothing. …Don’t let cosmologists try to kid you on this one. They have not got a clue either—despite the fact that they are doing a pretty good job of convincing themselves and others that this is really not a problem. “In the beginning,” they say, “there was noting—no time, space, matter or energy. Then there was a quantum fluctuation from which…” Whoa! Stop right there! You see what I mean? First there is nothing, then there is a tremor of uncertainty that sparks it all off…Either there is nothing to begin with, in which case there is no quantum vacuum, no pre-geometric dust, no time in which anything can happen, no physical laws that can effect a change from nothingness into somethingness; or there is something, in which case that needs explaining. David Darling, On Creating Something from Nothing
An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going. Francis Crick, Life Itself: It’s Origin and Nature
In short there is not a shred of objective evidence to support the hypothesis that life began in an organic soup here on the Earth. Sir Fred Hoyle, The Intelligent Universe
You say that I should at least “show a photo of the fossil from which each type of organism was derived.” I will lay it on the line—there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument. Colin Patterson, an excerpt response to a letter regarding his book, Evolution.
The mutation rate affects not only the evolution of the human species but also the life of the individual. Almost every mutation is harmful, and it is the individual who pays the price…There can be little doubt that man would be better off if he had a lower mutation rate. I would argue, in our present ignorance, that the ideal rate for the foreseeable future would be zero. James F. Crow, Ionizing Radiation and Evolution
In the meantime, the educated public continues to believe that Darwin has provided all the relevant answers by the magic formula of random mutation plus natural selection—quite unaware of the fact that random mutations turned out to be irrelevant and natural selection a tautology. Arthur Koestler, Janus: A Summing Up
It is certainly true that one would be most unlikely to develop a functioning flying insect, reptile or bird by a chance collection of changes. Some sort of guidance is necessary. And in these cases, of course natural selection is the only mechanism we know of to produce a workable combination of characteristics. Thomas H. Jukes, On Sociobiology
Under ordinary conditions, no complex organic molecule can ever form spontaneously but will rather disintegrate, in agreement with the second law [of thermodynamics]. Indeed, the more complex it is, the more unstable it is, and the more assured, sooner or later, is its disintegration. Photosynthesis and all life processes, and life itself…cannot yet be understood in terms of thermodynamics or any other exact science. George P. Stravropoulos, Letter-to-the-editor, American Scientist
Darwinian Evolution is not testable, observable, or repeatable. If empirical science is based off of these three concepts then Darwinian Evolution does not meet the necessary criteria. Evolution then is demoted into the camp of scientism or religious faith, since its tenets must be received in toto by faith rather than observation and experimentation. I fully agree that, “Science is real.” But Darwinian Evolution falls outside the camp of genuine empirical science into scientism or pseudo-science. It is a religious faith that is being evangelized in our schools without consent, or viable alternatives: namely Creationism or Intelligent Design. Like Rome in days past, or Islam in certain countries in days present, dissent is not allowed. Questions are not tolerated. Challenges are ignored and silenced. Carefully consider the supposed evidence for Darwinian Evolution and the results it has achieved in the scientific field and the world front before wading into Darwin’s gene pool.
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