Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Prayer Request For Joanne

Good evening all. I would like to bring this matter before my readership and request that prayer and supplication are made on behalf of Joanne, the grandmother of one of my employees. My employee came to work today with the distressing news that his grandmother was diagnosed with cancer.

He was, not shockingly, deeply distressed about it, and to make matters worse she lives out of state and he has been wanting to visit her for the last half-year unsuccessfully as timing has never aligned. So I request please that, as members of the household of God, we lift up Joanne in prayer and request strength for the forthcoming trial she is about to endure, and God's grace that if she is unsaved, she may know Jesus Christ and receive eternal life, so that the sting of death, whenever it comes, has been removed for her. I just pray for her health and stamina, and if it please God to heal her, that it may be so, but His will be done. Please lift up Joanne in prayer, however you are moved to, and I thank you deeply for it. God's grace to you.

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Joshua 24:15