Monday, September 18, 2023

Defiling The Marriage Bed: The World's Corruption of Marriage And Sex


We live in a society in America awash in sexual excess. What was once considered the fundamental norm is now an antiquated notion reflecting outmoded societal values. Love, sex and marriage are being constantly redefined and updated by the vocal minority and lawmakers who permit these things to be so. But what does Scripture say about these three, extremely controversial topics? And how do we, as Christians, treat them? Do we align with the views of our Lord and Savior by obeying what He says regarding sex and marriage? Or do we cast off our Lord’s yoke in favor of progressive advancements to societal enlightenment?

I know several confessing Christians that are not at all aligned with the Bible’s (and therefore God’s) view of sex, love and marriage. Sex outside marriage is encouraged and often made the brunt of jokes. Homosexual union is absolutely normative and likewise encouraged and accepted. Openly lusting after others besides your chosen partner is the norm, and again becomes the brunt of tasteless humor. The byproduct of such libertine thinking (abortion, STD’s) is backburnered. Abortion—the natural outcome of intercourse—is a prerogative to be defended, while unborn infants die at the hands of those who claim that the Christ who said, “Let the little children come to Me,” (Luke 18:16) is their Lord. But Jesus said, “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not the things which I say?” Luke 6:46. Our church is utterly compromised, filled with lukewarm believers that do not want to accept their Savior’s Lordship, wanting only a free ride to Heaven, while committing any sin they see fit as personal choice, when our personal choice was laid at the feet of the One who bled and died to set us free from our choices’ consequences.


Love, sex, and marriage began in Genesis. Genesis 2:24 begins the marriage covenant, and the first divinely ordained marriage occurred in Eden between Adam and Eve. The first example of a doctrine in Scripture is crucial for understanding following teachings, so here we have numerous points to consider about this union. First, God created mankind male and female, Genesis 1:27. Thus the sexual perversion of obscuring gender has no Biblical warrant. Non-binary, trans-men or women, etc., are not legitimate choices one may make. God made humanity male and female only. To supersede the commandment is to “play God” as the saying goes, and challenge the Creator for the right to make transcendent, objective decisions about humanity’s nature and welfare.


Genesis 1:28 tells us that God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. Here we see that the male/female creation of humanity was for the purpose of procreation. To be more specific: sex was designed to be heterosexual for the express purpose of begetting new life. Sex is not an “expression of love,” though it may be enjoyed between married couples that are in love, with God’s blessing. It certainly is not a toy to be played with by those who “live with” partners with no intention of marrying, or are too young to marry, or just want the physical pleasure sex offers without any of the implicit responsibility. Genesis 1:28 also indicates that homosexual behavior is not normative. If the function of sex is procreation, and homosexual union cannot achieve it, it is what Paul described as “against nature,” Romans 1:26.


While the pastor or teacher of today (especially in America) is eschewed for preaching heterosexual, married union prior to sex, with the purpose of procreation, or begetting children as God commanded, it is nonetheless the “whole of counsel of God” we are commanded to teach, Acts 20:27. The whole counsel began in Genesis, the Bible’s foundation. Not shockingly, Genesis has come under severe attack by modern liberals within and without the pail of Christendom, accusing it of being nothing more than mythology, erroneous, outdated poetry that is not congruent with reality. But even reality (as these liberals would define it) with Darwinian Evolution as their god, would not be able to make alternative sexuality fit with their ideology. Homosexual behavior would be counter productive for preserving the species, and therefore would be winnowed out as “fitter” genetic fodder replaced them for the good of future generations.


Marriage is an institution that God loves, Malachi 2:11. God says that marriage is honorable, and the marriage bed (symbolizing the sexual union of husband and wife) ought to remain undefiled; while He also warns that fornicators (unmarried people seeking sexual pleasure apart from God’s ordination) and adulterers (people who forsake their marriage partner for sexual gratification with another) will be judged, Hebrews 13:4. God condemns homosexual behavior in both the Old and New Testaments because it perverts the very reason why God created sex. Yes, think about that. God CREATED sex. God is purposive. Sex is for this life only, as is marriage, Matthew 22:30. This confines the utility of both to the brief life we live on this earth. God designed us to find a marriage partner, remain faithful, and bear children. Any deviation from this Biblical outline is not normative, healthy, or progressive: it is satanically inspired to do harm to the people God created, frustrate the purpose of the marriage union, and treat the institution God loves with a contempt the Devil would admire.


As we watch the pillars of the modern church collapse, we remain faithful to Him who saved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, Revelation 1:5. What does it mean to remain faithful? To hear His word and obey it from the heart. Not with lip service, because those who practice such will always fall away in the end, not having genuine faith. Instead, we obey as men and women saved by grace, set apart for the good works God prepared for us to do. We are faithful by hearing His word, believing it, and producing fruit that reflects the Holy Spirit’s life in us, and our fidelity toward our Lord. If Jesus is our Lord, we obey. If He is not, we will not obey. Christians: do you obey? We all sin in this life, but is following the dictates of your own stubborn heart, an evil heart of unbelief, more important than submitting in humility to the One who knows all, cannot lie or fail, and designed us to function a specific way?


God’s love is pure. Is what we see in the modern interpretation of marriage and sex pure? Does it portray the selfless, giving love of Christ in His love of the church? Paul likened our Lord’s sacrificial love to the love of a husband and wife: the only union God the Holy Spirit accepts as ordained by Him, Ephesians 5:22-33. Read this passage and consider it carefully. Then look without, at what we have done to the marriage institution. It has become a joke, and worse, a corruption of God’s intention for man and woman to find joy in one another as a gift from Him in this life. Paul calls marriage “a great mystery,” Ephesians 5:32. He refers back to the first marriage in Eden. A man will leave his parents, cling to his wife, and through sexual union, become one flesh, Genesis 2:24, see also 1 Corinthians 6:16.


As we watch the church succumb to this apostasy, let us remember that it is not the church that saves; it is Christ. Christendom has always been a melting pot of false professors and genuine believers. Such schisms, like the one we are witnessing today, that has been building now for years on the back of woke politics and the LGBTQ etc. movement, manifests false Christians from genuine ones, 1 Corinthians 11:19. The KJV renders this verse, “For there must also be heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.” Those who champion heresies reveal themselves as schismatic, endeavoring to overthrow Biblical orthodoxy in favor of progressive change. But God does not change, Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6. We who want to teach God’s truth must be acquainted with the God of truth, become familiar with His word, and be emboldened by His Spirit to remain a light, or salt, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, Philippians 2:15.


Never before has this verse seemed more apropos than today, in the moral climate of the United States. What was once evil is now laudable, and standing up for truth is an intolerable injustice to humanity. The corruption of sex, love and marriage is a symptom of the war we’re fighting. But parents, teach your children right and wrong when it comes to this topic, and teach it because God created this to be approached in only one way: His way, if we want peace with Him and one another. Teachers, I pray for you to fight the good fight of faith, that when we are home, we may receive the “well done, good and faithful servant!” from our Master; the only voice of approval that we ought to clamor for. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness," 2nd Timothy 3:16.

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Joshua 24:15