Sunday, June 6, 2010

Genesis Chapter Seven

Before continuing in our commentary on Genesis, I would like to share with the reader some interesting mythology I recently read about, as well as some viewpoints about the theory of religion’s evolution. Basically, since academia at large teaches that Evolution is true, they frame religion in an evolutionary setting, teaching that animism/spiritism is the oldest religion to have “evolved” along with primitive man, followed(in chronological order) by pantheism, polytheism, and finally monotheism.

The first is a Vedic cosmogony (an explanation of how the universe originated), dated 1200 B.C.

In the beginning was darkness swathed in darkness; All this was but unmanifested water. Whatever was, the One, coming into Being, Hidden by the Void, Was generated by the power of heat. In the beginning this [One] evolved, Became desire, first seed of mind. Wise seers, searching within their hearts, Found the bond of Being in Not-Being…Casters of seed there were, and powers; Beneath was energy, above was impulse. Who knows truly? Who can here declare it? Whence it was born, whence is this emanation. By the emanation of this the gods only later [came to be]. Who knows then whence it has arisen? Whence this emanation hath arisen, Whether [God] disposed it, or whether he did not,--Only he who is its overseer in highest heaven knows. [He only knows,] or perhaps he does not know!

From Hindu Scriptures, translated by R.C. Zaehner; brackets added by translator.

The second is a Pelasgian cosmogony that may hail as far back as 2000 B.C.; long before Homer or Hesiod of Greece ever began writing. This account is taken from monument evidence.

In the beginning, Eurynome, the Goddess of All Things, rose naked from Chaos, but found nothing substantial for her feet to rest upon, and therefore divided the sea from the sky, dancing lonely upon its waves. She danced towards the south, and the wind set in motion behind her seemed something ne w and apart with which to begin a work of creation. Wheeling about, she caught hold of this north wind, rubbed it between her hands, and behold! the great serpent Ophion…Next she assumed the form of a dove, brooding on the waves and in due process of time, laid the Universal Egg. At her bidding, Ophion coiled seven times about this egg, until it hatched and split in two. Out tumbled all the things that exist, her children: sun, moon, planets, stars, the earth with its mountains and rivers, its trees, herbs and living creatures.
Eurynome and Ophion made their home upon Mount Olympus, where he vexed her by claiming to be the author of the Universe. Forthwith she bruised his head with her heel, kicked out his teeth, and banished him to the dark caves beneath the earth.

From Greek Myths, vol. 1, by Robert Graves

Finally I would like to quote from several experts in the field concerning ancient man and religion. These are anthropologists, archeologists and related fields that testify of a “backward” evolution of religion, or de-evolution if you will, from monotheism to a schism that created many gods and spirits, including our present day Zodiac and worship of astrology. Also please note that the men I am presently quoting are not Christians; I am not sure if they are religious at all. They are merely presenting the facts.

I suggest that human history can now hesitantly be traced back as an unbroken narrative to 4000 B.C. The facts must not, however, be twisted to suit the fallacy of necessary human progress. For the picture emerging from the gloom cast by two Dark Ages is one of the Fall of Man in historic terms as well as well of his rise: it is a picture in our period more of degradation than of success; it is also a picture of monotheism breaking down into polytheism and of the struggle to return to monotheism. The establishment view of the history of religion gradually progressing from animism to polytheism, from polytheism to monotheism is the reverse of the facts.

From The God-Kings and the Titans: The New World Ascendancy in Ancient Times, by James Bailey

But what are the criticisms of the ley concept? When Watkins put forward his observations regarding remnants of prehistoric alignments in Britain he ran head-on into official archaeological thinking which still believed in the Piltdown Man. The orthodox view was that the megalithic builders (men that created objects such as Stonehenge) were just savages quite incapable of surveying or having any finer thoughts than grubbing for food and feuding with other tribes. The whole idea of leys (ley lines were “lines laid down” to survey land) was an unprecedented absurdity—“damned nonsense” as one archaeologist put it.
Modern archaeology shows that prehistoric societies were complex…And the prominent prehistorian Professor R.J.C. Atkinson has clearly demonstrated that the laying out of an accurate straight landscape line would have been well within the means of the megalithic builders.

From Straight Lines on an Ancient Landscape, by Paul Devereux and Robert Forrest, parentheses mine.

Alfred Maury commented in regard to some of [the myths and legends of ancient times]: “There is scarcely a prominent fact in the opening chapters of the book of Genesis that cannot be duplicated from the legends of the American nations…It is a very remarkable fact that we find in America, traditions of the Deluge (Flood) coming nearer to that of the Bible and the Chaldean religion than among any of the Old World.”
Of another native myth Kingsborough stated that it was “a clearly established legend which singularly resembles the Bible record of the Tower of Babel.”

From The Key, by John Philip Cohane

There are scores more that trace religion back to the knowledge and worship of a “high God” that most nations and tribes deviated from over course of time. This will be explained in greater detail when we approach chapter 11 and the Tower of Babel, and how Nimrod and the ancient people of earth began astrology and worshiping of the host of heaven, and the creation rather than creation, bearing this false and deadly religion with them when God confused their languages and dispersed them throughout the earth. For the interim, we will resume our study of Genesis with the next Post.

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Joshua 24:15