Hebrews 1:2b has in these last days
Whereas in former times, the ministry of the prophetic office was discharged by God’s servants, in the last days He sent His Son. The writer of Hebrews uses the phrase the “last days.” Christ our Lord cautioned His audience that the coming of the Lord will be as a thief in the night, and we will not know the hour of His coming. His return is ever imminent, and its imminence was meant to inspire action in the service of God’s church. Though 2,000 years have elapsed since Jesus initially uttered those sayings, what is that to us? His coming is ever imminent; what I mean is, nothing prophetic needs to occur between His ascending into Heaven to wait at the right hand of the Father before His return. We are, as it were, in the valley of the church age that looms between the mounts of Christ’s First and Second Coming. The prophecy of the 70 weeks detail God’s relation with Israel and His contention with the Man of Sin, the Lawless One who rises to power in the absence of the church to serve as a witness against his nature and purpose. But I digress about these things, because this topic could lead us down a long detour.